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Jobs Accounting Metric
The jobs accounting is based on the R_Wall_Time metric that accounts for the resources actually mobilized by the jobs.
The metric definition is: R_Wall_Time = Wall_Time * ncpus_equiv_pjob
- Wall_Time is the execution time of the job (end_time - start_time - suspend_time);
- and ncpus_equiv_pjob is defined as follows:
- if the job is run in an exclusive queue or environment, complete nodes are associated to your job, and then
ncpus_equiv_pjob = nodes_pjob * ncpus_pnode - else the job is run in a shared mode (sharing nodes with other jobs or projects) and then
ncpus_equiv_pjob = max ( ncpus_pjob , mem_pjob / mem_pcpu )
- if the job is run in an exclusive queue or environment, complete nodes are associated to your job, and then
in which:
- ncpus_pnode is the number of cores available per node
- ncpus_pjob and mem_pjob are respectively the total number of cores and total amount of memory requested by the job (respectively resource_list.ncpus and resource_list.mem reported in a qstat -f on the job) and
- mem_pcpu is the amount of memory available per core depending on the type of node requested, i.e.
- 2625MB by default (Haswell fit nodes)
- 5250MB if you requested Haswell fat nodes ( -l model=haswell_fat )
- 10500MB if you requested Haswell xfat nodes ( -l model=haswell_xfat )
ncpus_equiv_pjob is the resource_used.rncpus value reported in a qstat -f on the job.
See also Job Output file to check resource usage of the job.
Reservation or Dedicated Nodes Accounting
R_Wall_Time accounted is:
(Reservation end_time - Reservation start_time) * Number of Dedicated Nodes * ncpus_pnode.
Reports are sent weekly and monthly to project managers. Persistent and scratch storage usages and some job statistics are provided with the R_Wall_time credit used during the period by queue and/or globally and the remaining credit.
Some ratios are also provided:
- η = Total CPU_Time / ( Total Wall_Time * NCPUS_PJOB )
- α = Total CPU_Time / ( Total Wall_Time * NCPUS_EQUIV_PJOB )
Project created Friday Oct 31 2014 ====================================================================================== SCRATCH storage quota : 400 GiB SCRATCH storage used : 196 GiB Persistent storage quota : 200 GiB Persistent storage used : 48 GiB ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Job Usage Detail (times in hours) user1 3 8.7 1.0 10.6 82.1% 10.6 82.1% 0.0 Job Set Summary (times in hours) R_Wall_Time Credit allocated : 31000 hours |
Credit management
Project managers are kindly requested to monitor their project resources usage. Projects with a negative remaining credit will have one month to update their request; after this delay, jobs associated to these projects will be rejected. Academic users can always update their project credit via the following page https://login.ceci-hpc.be/init-project/. Other users can send an email to itcenaero [dotcenaero] be.